Snow Day Deep Dive

The inevitable happened when I woke up today.

Deep thoughts, contemplation, and reflection...most often happens on the days I am not working and I have the time to lounge in bed.

Today's deep thought, will I ever feel OK asking for help and doing what I should to get my needs met? Or, alternately will I always feel guilty and inadequate when I need help?

I know everyone needs help from time to time and we are not built to "go it alone". I have never been good at verbalizing when I am struggling or when I need help. It is perhaps the one issue I have not been able to overcome. I pride myself on being independent and having the ability to figure out most things on my own. Those are helpful qualities when single and the only person you have to count on for the day to day is yourself. When in a relationship those qualities can be a hinderance to a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

So the question today is WHY?

I am in a healthy relationship, I feel safe and I know he's my person, so why is it so difficult to say " I need help"?

My goal this year is to overcome this issue....after listening to several of Oprah's SuperSoul Conversation Podcast, I think the main issue is my fear of being vulnerable.

Brené Brown has a great TedTalk about vulnerability, it has helped me to understand my inability to ask for help is not just about my fear of being vulnerable but has a lot to do with my feelings of unworthiness. I thought I had overcome this, turns out I have a lot more work to do.
