Tuesday Teaching!

Think before you speak!! We have all heard this one a time or two and it is a lesson I think I have mostly mastered.

The majority of the time when I speak I have put a fair amount of thought into what I am saying. That doesn't mean in the heat of the moment I don't slip from time to time.

I lived a lot of my life, just saying whatever came to mind and while it sometimes felt good to let someone have it, I'll admit it wasn't very productive and definitely not conducive to a peaceful existence. Can you say DRAMA?!?

Now, I ask myself three questions: 1. Is it productive? 2. Is it kind? 3. Is it helpful? If I can't say yes to all 3 of these questions...I keep my mouth shut....most of the time! This has been one of the main reasons why in general the drama in my life is essentially non-existent. The silence has provided me space to grow emotionally into a better version of myself.

I work with middle school students...so lets just say, emotions can run high at times. Hormones are raging which seems to give some a free pass to say whatever they are thinking. Last year I started asking students the three questions. I found once they took a moment to think and truthfully answered no to any of them or all three, they chose not to say what they were thinking and I believe in turn we have had less moments of drama, less hurt feelings, and more good days.






  1. Great post! I really enjoyed reading it!! :)

  2. This is a great mental habit!
    When I was young, I was taught too to T.H.I.N.K. first before talking. All I had to do was ask my self series of questions using the acronym T.H.I.N.K.
    Is it TRUE?
    Is it HELPFUL.
    Is it INSPIRING.
    Is it NECESSARY.
    Is it KIND?

    Now I am thinking, is my reply to you necessary? πŸ˜‚ because if it’s not, then what I did was just THIK not HINK

    Have a great thinking day! 😊

  3. I’m so glad you found me and commented!! Totally necessary! 😁


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