Tuesday Teaching!
You get what you give, what you put out comes back to you tenfold.
This little nugget of advice was delivered to my girl on our way home the other day. We were talking about something that happened at school and she was skeptical of my advice. I understand why, as she is in the midst of her teen years and what do I know? I've only lived a good 25 years more than she has. ;)
I gave her examples of how I know what you put out is what you get back, using my own life as an example. I lived many years angry and sad about losing my father as a young girl. I definitely put out a lot of negativity and anger and I got back all that and then some. By the time I sought out the help I needed, I was a hot mess. Now, several years later I can see that grieving/healing and changing my mindset has improved my life and outlook on life in every way.
Aside from my own experience, I also see this day in and day out in my real life and on social media. The people who are always complaining and putting out negativity seem to be the ones living in constant struggle. Those who are problem solvers and view things in more positive ways seem to have happier lives. We all have difficulties and struggles. I am not suggesting that simply being positive will make you have a great life. What I am saying is being kind, grateful, and being happy will improve your outlook, you will feel better and thus will most likely have a better life.
I know, easier said than done when you are struggling. To that I say this: sometimes you have to fake it till you make it!
I think you CAN suggest burnt positive will make you have a great life!