Tuesday Teaching!
Coming to you from overseas, we are currently in Munich!
Because I am blogging while traveling this one will be travel related.
I know we have all heard something along the lines of “communication is key” well this phrase couldn’t be more true or on point then when traveling with a group.....or even one other person.
As I have said before, this is our 3rd big trip together and I’ll be honest and say the first few days of this trip have been rough at times.
A little regrouping and honest discussion needed to happen.
3 essentials to having good communication:
1. Honesty, always.
2. Validate the other person's feelings.
3. Try not to speak in anger....yes, I know...easier said than done when frustrated.
In addition to all of that. I always try to come from a positive place and assume others are as well.
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