Tuesday Teaching!

Take care of yourself! Do what makes you feel good! Make the changes you can to be healthy and happy so you can be the best version of yourself!

Since our return from our trip, I have been making a renewed effort to take better care of myself. I am making sure I am active at least 30 minutes everyday. We go to a trainer twice a week, I am also running at least 3 times a week. We have a Bosu Ball, exercise videos, a recumbent bike, weights, kettle balls, a kayak, plus a membership to a local gym. In other words I have zero excuses to not be doing something active for at least 30 minutes every day.

Along with being active I am also making sure I am drinking more water and making other life changes in order to be healthier and thus happier.

Physical health is obviously important but mental health is equally important.

I bring up being mentally healthy for a reason. It seems that now more than ever people are suffering. There is as much of a stigma in regard to mental health issues as there ever has been. There are issues with depression in my family, I have struggled with it on and off through my adult life. Fortunately, I was able to seek the help I needed several years ago and have not had many issues with it since. I do have times when I am not feeling great and it seems when I make it priority to be active and take care of myself I feel a lot better overall. The challenge for me is making time during the school year, that will be a priority this coming year.

So my message this week is to make sure you are doing what you can to take care of yourself physically and mentally, whether that be making sure you get outside for a walk or a swim, doing an exercise video, going to the gym, having some alone time, calling a friend, or seeking help if you are struggling. You are important and you deserve to be the best version of yourself.....let someone or a bunch of someones help you!



  1. Yup , it's very important to find happiness in every small things that can make us feel good ...


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