Tuesday Teaching!

You have to be OK with doing the best you can with what you have and where you are.

Over the last few weeks, I have had a few things come up that have forced me to pause and take stock in things....mostly in the area of parenting and the relationship with my girl.

Nothing major and I won't get into details because while I share a lot about my life here I don't feel comfortable sharing details about her life as she is growing into becoming an adult.

The take away for me through the latest hiccup is we are all doing the best we can with what we have and where we are. I know she doesn't always understand the choices we make as her parents but the message I keep reiterating to her is that we love her and we are doing our job to make sure she is safe, healthy, and happy....and hopefully she will understand this when she is an adult and will grow to appreciate us and our decisions in regard to her well-being.

I truly believe being a parent is the hardest job and while there are many challenges it is well worth the rewards. After a couple of trying weeks, I enjoyed a much needed for both of us day with my girl yesterday. It helped to remind me what I of course already knew, we are connected in ways nothing and no one can break.

To wrap this up I want to say, when you know you are doing the best you can with what you have and where you are......be OK with it and know everything else will work itself out.
