Welcome to my classroom!

AKA as the Batteacher's Cave! If you haven't already guessed.....Batman is my favorite superhero :).

I have decided to share more of what goes on in my classroom and share my resources and tips with all of you! I will continue to share my Tuesday Teachings and other random blog posts but I have been feeling like there is a huge part of my life that I take great pride in and have a true passion for that I don't share!

Last year's version of Batteacher's Cave or as it is referred to at my school, The Batcave.
The Cave might be closed for summer but plans are brewing for some cool changes for next year! Stay tuned!!

I read other teacher blogs and I get so much from them in terms of inspiration and great advice. Why not share what works for me or what I have found to be helpful in my classroom?

I hope to connect with more teacher friends through this blog, stay tuned and let me know if there are specific topics you would like me to write about!

Our door for our healthy choices door decorating contest.....we had lights and a door bell that played the Batman theme song and we won the contest! :)
